PROTECT YOURSELF FROM SEXUAL ASSAULT Protect yourself from becoming a victim of rape. QUICK SAFETY TIPS Be alert to your surroundings and trust your instincts. Be alert to your surroundings and trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable about a person or a location, leave immediately. Always know your location. If you must call 911, the operator must know the exact location of the emergency. Know your neighborhood: Where is the nearest police precinct? Which stores, restaurants or businesses are open late at night? Where are public telephones located? Learn to notice details about people. This will help you give a good description. Take note of a person's coloring, size, hairstyle, facial hair, scars, tattoos, teeth, accent, clothing. This will help you give a good description. Take note of a person's coloring, size, hairstyle, facial hair, scars, tattoos, teeth, accent, clothing. AT HOME...SAFETY TIPS List only your initials and last name in the telephone directory and on a mailbox. Make sure your entrance area is well lit. Lock your doors, even if you are at home and whenever you leave, even if it's only for a few minutes. Shades or blinds should be on every window. Fire Department approved gates or bars should be put on windows next to fire escapes or on the ground floor. Avoid sleeping with your windows open. Never automatically open your door to strangers. Use the peep hole. Do not open your door even with the chain on. Ask service people to identify themselves. If you were not expecting this person, call their employer and verify their identity and the reason they need to enter your home.
If a stranger asks to use your phone, do not let the person enter. Offer to make the call for them. Do not buzz someone into the building or hold the lobby door open unless you know the person. Think about what actions you would take if you were to be confronted. There is no right or wrong way to respond to a sexual attack. Each offender and circumstance may be different. Whether or not to resist an attacker can only be your decision. If you were the victim of a sexual assault, and did not resist, don't second guess yourself! Any action you took to save your life was appropriate. To obtain a pamphlet with more tips on how to protect yourself against sexual assaults and rape or to arrange a lecture for your civic group, business, or school, call the Sex Crimes Report Line: (212) 267-RAPE
False. People of both sexes, all ages, professions and styles of dress have become victims of sexual assaults.
*Article provided by the New York Police Department. Click on the link or banner to be connected to the official website of New York Police Department. lter-i |