PARK SAFETY: IMPORTANT TIPS THE OVERVIEW Parks are a great place to go and relax. The tranquility of the parks is rarely disturbed by criminal acts, but some essential park safety tips should be followed. The New York City Police Department recommends taking these simple precautions to ensure your park safety. Use Common Sense Do not take shortcuts or dirt paths through wooded areas. Stay on well-lighted, populated pathways. Remember there is safety in numbers. Always walk or run with a friend. Look into joining a local community running club. Remain alert and aware at all times. Don't wear headphones. Watch your personal belongings
Carry pocketbooks in the bend of the elbow, close to the body. If there is a long strap, wrap it around the bag. If someone should attempt to snatch your purse..... let it go. Don't wear excessive amounts of jewelry or carry large amounts of cash. Divide your money between pockets and handbags. Become familiar with the area Important Park Safety Tip: Familiarize yourself with your local park. Know the locations of public phones and police call boxes. Should someone attempt to verbally harass you, just keeping on walking. Responding to this kind of behavior could escalate the situation. Know the locations of stores or businesses which may be open in the vicinity of the park. These locations may be a safe place to go should you feel threatened. Be vigilant and aware of your surroundings
Always carry some
form of identification, even when running.
A label in your clothing will be sufficient if you
are not carrying a wallet
Report suspicious persons or activities to the local precinct. Remember to dial "911" should you require emergency police or medical service.
*Article provided by the New York Police Department. Click on the link or *Article provided by the READY.GOV Click on the link or banner to be connected to the official website of READY.GOV |